CH Falling Star Fyr DeOhGe SrJn

CH Falling Stars Fyr DeOhGe SrJn was our first shih tzu. We had lots of fun showing him and he was finished owner-handled by Sarah.   He is the sire of seven champions.  Finished 1997.

Champion Boys
Champion Kids
FIONA, CH SarJan's Heart's Desire Ashanda
CASSIE, CH Ju-Mar's Petals In The Wind SRJN
IZZY, CH SarJan's U Go Kristque
MOJO, CH SarJan's MoJo Rider
COOKIE, CH SarJan's Sugar Cookie Jai-Dei
CH Falling Star O' Munchkintown  X  Mystic Symmarun Firecracker
WILLIAM, CH SarJan's What's In A Name
MUSHU, CH SarJan's Dragon Slayer
Cookie was Gavin's first daughter to finish and our first try with a black and white.  Finished 2000.  Retired.