CH SarJan's What I Am
CH SarJan's What's In A Name x CH SarJan's Just Want U To Know
Wyatt was WD at Des Moines on Sunday for his first point. On Saturday at the Central IA KC he was WD for a point. Sunday he was WD/BW for 2 points. At St. Charles KC he was WD for a point. Wyatt was WD on Sat and WD/BW Sun at Columbia KC for 3 more points.  On Sat. at Clinton, Ia KC he was WD for a major. Wyatt finished his Ch with a 4 pt major at Yorkville KC going WD/BW on Sunday.  Wyatt was 2nd in the BBE class at the American Shih Tzu Club National Speciality. Finished 2008. AKC Eukanuba National qualifier for 2008  2009.
CH Boys